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Industrial Waste Management(Waste Treatment Division)

I. General Conditions
   In 2019, the average daily industrial waste disposed by Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government (DEP) was 1,090 metric tons. After a revision was made to the definition of business agencies in the “Waste Disposal Act,” over 2,831 target business agencies have been counted in Taipei City. To prevent unauthorized dumping of hazardous industrial wastes, the businesses targeted by the Environmental Protection Administration are required to submit their clearance plans to the government for examination and approval. They are also required to provide basic data on the Internet regarding business operations, waste storage, and waste clearance procedures. The DEP regularly checks this information online and conducts onsite inspections if any irregularity is found. The DEP also conducts unscheduled inspections on the storage, clearance, disposal and treatment of industrial wastes at the business agencies' premises.

II. Important Measures and Tasks1.Continued implementation of public safety policy to reinforce control of medical wastes.
2. Inspection of hazardous industrial waste clearance procedures at waste production sources.
3. Reinforce inspection of operations at clearance and treatment organizations responsible for hazardous industrial wastes.
4. Filing and examination of Class-A waste clearance permit, and establishment/operation permits of all levels of waste treatment facilities.
5. Filing of application for permit of importation, exportation, transit, and trans-shipment of wastes within jurisdiction.
6. Checking storage and clearance procedures throughout the industrial waste flow, using the Internet.
7. Education and promotion for proper storage, clearance, disposal and reuse of industrial wastes.
8. Set standards for the sorting of waste to be processed by DEP.
9. If waste to be processed by DEP upon request is packed in transparent garbage bags, the bags must be marked with the name of the production source.

III. Future Prospects
   In the future, industrial waste management, education, and inspections on the disposal of waste and the operation of treatment organizations will continue, to ensure proper treatment of waste, and avoid illegal dumping that may result in secondary pollution.