Report and Reward Section
Report and Reward Section for Violation of the Waste Disposal Act
Legal Bases
With respect to the Taipei City Regulations for Rewarding the Report of Violations of the Waste Disposal Act
Article 3
After detecting violations of the Act in Taipei City, citizens can state the facts and submit relevant evidence by correspondence or email to the DEP or EID.
No reward will be granted to an informant under any one of the following circumstances:
The solid evidence stated in the above two paragraphs refers to the photos, videos, or other information valid for indicating the act, fact, time, and location of violation.
Article 5
If a reported violation is found true and punished with an administrative fine over NT$1,200, a reward will be given to the informant according to the violations and the proportion of reward specified in the annex.
The maximum amount of reward for each report is NT$50,000. Each violation will only be rewarded once.
The maximum amount of rewards for reports made by the same informant according to the above two paragraphs shall be NT$300,000 a year.
Report Methods
After detecting violations of the Waste Disposal Act in Taipei City, citizens can fill in the “Personal Data” and the “Facts of Violation” in the “Report Form” provided by the EID or in the same format and submit “videos or photos with a date stamp” to file a report through the following channels:
I. Online report: Hello Taipei Website
Operating procedures
1. Log in to the system, check the statement: “I have read through and agree with the Hello Taipei user’s instructions and service process” and select “Start report registration”.
2. From the report type menu, select “Garbage, Noise, Pollution, and Resource Recycling”.
3. Select “Others”.
4. Report registration
II. Mailing or personal delivery
Example of Report Form Completion
Example of “Informant Data”
Examples of “Violation Fact”
Conditions for Reward Collection
Q&A on Reward for Report
Q1: What are the illegal acts that will be rewarded for reporting?
A1: Reports of the following acts will be rewarded: garbage littering, cigarette end littering, paper littering, spitting, betel nut juice littering, failure to clean up dog (or pet) droppings after walking, causing a mess by feeding stray dogs, posting small adverts illegally, disposal of spoil or waste at will, illegal graffiti, and other violations of the Waste Disposal Act.
Q2: How to determine the amount of rewards?
A2: To encourage citizens to report littering and pollution, the DEP has established the “Taipei City Regulations for Rewarding the Report of Violations of the Waste Disposal Act”. After detecting violations of the Waste Disposal Act in Taipei City, citizens can report them to the DEP within 7 days. If the report is supported with solid evidence of the violation, the informant will receive a reward at 30-90% of the paid-in fine based on the nature of violation. Check the “Related Regulations” in the upper part of this page for more information.
Q3: How and where to report violations of the Waste Disposal Act?
Q4: What are the investigation procedures for reports with rewards?
Q5: What is the window handling reports with rewards?
A5: Environmental Inspection Division, (02) 2592-3600 (4F, No. 347, Section 3, Chongqing North Road, Datong District, Taipei City)
Q6: Should I leave my personal data for reporting a mess or pollution act?
A6: If you want to receive a reward, you must leave your personal data and contact information (including the real name, address, contact phone number). All information will be kept confidential.
Q7: The photos or videos provided should include the who, what, when, where, and why.
A:If a reward is desired, please leave your personal data and contact information (including your true name, address, and contact phone number) to facilitate the release of rewards. Your information will be kept absolutely confidential.
Q8: When will the reward for reporting violations against the Waste Disposal Act be released?
-----------------------------------------Relevant Files--------------------------------------------
Report Form
Taipei City Criteria of Rewards for Reporting Violations of the Waste Disposal Act
EID Rewards for Citizen Reports and Distribution Flowchart
Taipei City Regulations for Encouragement of Reporting Violation of Waste Disposal