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I am questioning about the dioxin emission from Neihu Refuse Incineration plant.

1. Because EPA amended and promulgated “Waste Incinerator Dioxin Control and Emission Standard” on Oct. 1999, we shut off all incinerators on Feb 1999 to do “Dioxin waste gas treatment system improvement project” with 530 million dollars. The project was completed on March 2001. The inspection results were as the following: 0.038ng on 02/2001, 0.012ng on 11/2001, 0.0093ng on 04/2002, 0.039ng on 11/2002, 0.020ng on 03/2003. All the results were far lower than environmental regulation standard 0.1ng. Please don’t worry! We welcome you to visit us (TEL: 02-27961833, ext. 261) to understand further about the waste gas treatment process and reaction measures for dioxin.
2. Besides periodically submit the operation and inspection data to “Taipei Incinerator Supervision Committee” for review. We also post the data on our website for citizens to check. Our policy is to work carefully and responsibly and humbly accept citizen's advice, in order to ensure proper operation in the incineration plant and well environmental protection, to maintain good living quality.