How do you treat the wastewater of Neihu Refuse Incineration plant?
We treat the wastewater per its types and characters:
1. Seeping water from garbage pit: After filtering, it is pumped to incinerator, sprayed and burned.
2. Inorganic wastewater: Plant boiler wastewater, water purification wastewater, cooling water of all equipment, dust treatment wastewater and laboratory wastewater are collected to wastewater treatment plant. They are treated by inorganic procedures—mixing, heavy metal chelation, chemical coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, etc. After these procedures, the wastewater is neutralized and mixed with organic system wastewater and flows to storage pool for reusing.
3. Organic wastewater: domestic water of our staff, platform washing wastewater and garbage truck washing wastewater are collected to wastewater treatment plant. They are treated by organic procedures—equalization, aeration, activated sludge treatment and sludge sedimentation. After these procedures, the wastewater is neutralized and mixed with organic system wastewater and flows to storage pool for reusing.
4. Sludge produced from wastewater treatment would be dewatered and become sludge cakes. They would be sent to incinerator and burned.